Blaire Shinn, LE

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Blaire Shinn, LE

Licensed Aesthetician

Blaire Shinn is a Licensed Aesthetician serving patients at Center For Sight in Sarasota. Blaire is passionate about using the latest aesthetic procedures to help her clients feel refreshed and beautiful.

Born and raised in Sarasota, Blaire has first-hand experience with sun protection, sun damage and prevention. She specializes in treating sun damaged skin using a variety of procedures and medical-grade skin care products to help minimize the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and age spots. She is experienced in treating hyperpigmentation, in addition to dermatitis.

Her services at Center For Sight include customized facials, chemical peels, lash lifts and tints, dermaplaning, extractions, and brow shaping, tinting and lamination. Additionally, Blaire offers skin care consults to develop a personalized step-by-step skin care plan for each of her clients.

In her free time, Blaire enjoys spending time with her daughter outdoors, traveling and exercising.

Location served: Sarasota & Pelican Plaza

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