hero image for emergency services depicting medical staff responding to an emergency situation with urgency.

Emergency Eye Care in Florida

Schedule an Appointment

We Can Help Protect Your Vision

Your vision is precious, and an emergency can place it at risk. Eye emergencies can happen at any time, and it is important to know what to do. Swift action can help preserve your sight. 

If you experience an eye emergency, visit Center For Sight as soon as possible. Our staff can assess the damage to your eye and determine the best course of action. If an emergency happens outside of office hours, visit your closest emergency room. 

supplemental image for emergency services showing medical professionals attending to patient in an emergency room.
Image of surgical procedure in progress for laser surgery section.

What Qualifies as an Emergency? 

It can be hard to know when you’re experiencing an eye emergency, but there are common symptoms to watch out for. Visit one of our locations or an emergency room if you experience any of the following: 

  • Bleeding from the eyes
  • Extreme itchiness
  • Eye trauma
  • Foreign body in the eye
  • Discharge or crustiness
  • Bruising around the eye
  • Chemical splash
  • Scratches or cuts
  • Enlarged pupils
  • Eye pain or soreness

Handling an Eye Emergency 

Emergencies can happen, so it is important to know what to do. In the case of certain emergencies, like chemical contact to the eye or a foreign object, damage can occur quickly. Avoid making unnecessary contact with your eye and visit one of our locations as soon as possible. 

What to Avoid

In an emergency, you must avoid further damage to your eyes. Visiting a medical professional as soon as possible should be your priority. In the meantime, avoid the following:

  • Attempting to remove foreign objects
  • Putting medications or drops in your eyes
  • Using tweezers or other tools near the eye
  • Rubbing or applying pressure to your eyes

Know Where to Go During an Emergency 

Contact us immediately if you have an eye-related emergency, and we will do our best to help you. Our team at Center For Sight has access to the latest technology to help preserve and protect your vision.

Our Locations


    How Genetic and Lifestyle Factors Influence Your Risk for Glaucoma

    Eye Care, Glaucoma

    Reviewed By: Dr. Joshua W. Kim, M.D. Glaucoma is often called the “silent thief of sight” because it can slowly damage vision without showing any obvious symptoms. Since January is Glaucoma Awareness Month, it’s a time to focus on understanding this serious condition and how we can protect our vision. As glaucoma is a leading cause […]

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    January 9, 2025

    Top 5 Most Common Symptoms of Dry Eye

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    December 13, 2024

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    Cataract Surgery

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    November 20, 2024
    glaucoma risk

    Reviewed By: Dr. Joshua W. Kim, M.D. Glaucoma is often called the “silent thief of sight” because it can slowly damage vision without showing any obvious symptoms. Since January is Glaucoma Awareness Month, it’s a time to focus on understanding this serious condition and how we can protect our vision. As glaucoma is a leading cause […]

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    Reviewed By: Dr. Priya Mathews, MD Dry eye isn’t just about mild irritation; it’s a condition that can affect your quality of life. Understanding the symptoms is crucial if you’ve noticed discomfort in your eyes lately.  With millions of people experiencing dry eye every year, recognizing its early signs can make all the difference in seeking […]

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    Reviewed By: Dr. De Rojas Experiencing cloudy vision or noticing tiny specks floating across your sight can be confusing. You might wonder if these two issues are connected. While it’s commonly assumed they’re related—especially since both can appear as we age—they are actually distinct conditions. Let’s break down what each condition is, how they differ, and […]

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    We are a proud partner of US Eye, a leading group of patient-centric, vertically integrated multi-specialty physician practices providing patients with care in ophthalmology, optometry, dermatology, audiology and cosmetic facial surgery.

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