Charles Putrino II, O.D.

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Charles Putrino II, O.D.

Optometric Physician

Dr. Charles Putrino II is licensed through the State of Florida as a Certified Optometrist. He has practiced in the Sarasota area for more than 25 years. A native of Binghamton, NY, he earned his Bachelor of Arts degree from State University of New York in Binghamton, NY, and his Bachelor of Science and Doctor of Optometry degrees from Pennsylvania College of Optometry in Philadelphia, PA.

Dr. Putrino provides comprehensive primary eye care and specializes in anterior segment disease, co-management of refractive and cataract surgery, contact lenses, and sports vision. Past affiliations and memberships include The National Academy of Sports Vision and American Optometric Association.

Dr. Putrino’s professional accomplishments include: co-founding and directing a professional and consumer eye care device company that featured the patented Eyegenie®; founding and directing a web-based contact lens directory for eye care clinicians (; and internationally reselling new and used ophthalmic instruments and optical products.

Athletics and physical fitness have been an important part of Dr. Putrino’s life, with a strong focus on tennis and golf. He has actively competed in United States Tennis Association tournaments, United States Golf Association tournaments and Golf Channel Amateur Tour competitions.

Dr. Putrino lives in Sarasota with his wife, Regina; his two children, Charles and Jacqueline, who are active in competitive tennis and golf; and his dog, Yodi.

Location served: University Park

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