Daniel Hadland, O.D.

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daniel hadland

Daniel Hadland, O.D.

Optometric Physician

Dr. Daniel Hadland is a board-certified optometric physician who provides a wide range of primary eye care services to Center for Sight patients. Dr. Hadland has extensive training in ocular disease, vision testing, eyewear prescriptions, specialty contact lenses and the diagnosis and treatment of eye disorders. He is experienced in providing pre and post-operative care for LASIK, cataract, and corneal transplant surgery patients. Prior to joining Center For Sight, Dr. Hadland worked in a high volume practice, diagnosing and treating ocular diseases such as diabetes, glaucoma and macular degeneration.

Dr. Hadland earned his Bachelor of Science degree in Biological Sciences from Florida State University and his Doctor of Optometry degree from Nova Southeastern University College of Optometry. He is a member of the American Optometric Association and the Florida Optometric Association.

Dr. Hadland lives in Lakewood Ranch with his wife, Charlotte, and his two dogs, Maggie and Layla. In his free time he enjoys fishing, visiting the beach, taking trips to Disney and spending time with his family.

Location served: Pelican Plaza

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