Sarah Johnson, O.D.

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Sarah A Johnson, O.D.

Sarah Johnson, O.D.

Optometric Physician

Dr. Johnson completed her undergraduate studies at The University of South Florida, Tampa and received her Doctor of Optometry in 2008 from Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, where she graduated with honors.

Her Clinical Internships include Fort Lauderdale Eye Institute, Braverman Eye Center, Pediatric Ophthalmology Consultants of Plantation, and The Eye Institute of Nova Southeastern University.

Dr. Johnson has been practicing optometry for fifteen years. She began her practice at Tallman Eye Institute, in Lawrence, Massachusetts. After relocating to Florida in 2014, Dr. Johnson practiced at Collins Vision. She then went on to establish her own optometrist office. In addition to Johnson Eyecare, Dr. Johnson continues to devote her time one day per week working at Bonita Springs Lions Club Eye Clinic, a non-profit foundation that provides eye care to low-income patients with no medical insurance.

Dr. Sarah Johnson was born in Costa Rica and was raised in both Costa Rica and Fort Myers, Florida. As a result, not only is Dr. Johnson fluent in both English and Spanish, but Dr. Johnson experienced a multi-cultural upbringing. Dr. Johnson is grateful to have the opportunity to be able to provide her knowledge, skills and experience to the Fort Myers community and surrounding areas.

Location served: San Carlos Blvd.

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