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How Genetic and Lifestyle Factors Influence Your Risk for Glaucoma

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How Genetic and Lifestyle Factors Influence Your Risk for Glaucoma

glaucoma risk

Reviewed By: Dr. Joshua W. Kim, M.D. Glaucoma is often called the “silent thief of sight” because it can slowly damage vision without showing any obvious symptoms. Since January is Glaucoma Awareness Month, it’s a time to focus on understanding this serious condition and how we can protect our vision. As glaucoma is a leading cause […]

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Can Cataracts Lead to Eye Floaters?

Reviewed By: Dr. De Rojas Experiencing cloudy vision or noticing tiny specks floating across your sight can be confusing. You might wonder if these two issues are connected. While it’s commonly assumed they’re related—especially since both can appear as we age—they are actually distinct conditions. Let’s break down what each condition is, how they differ, and […]

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Is High Eye Pressure Always Indicative of Glaucoma?

When we hear about high eye pressure, many people automatically think it’s synonymous with glaucoma. After all, glaucoma is a leading cause of blindness worldwide, and high pressure in the eyes is often associated with it. But is high eye pressure a definitive sign of glaucoma? The short answer is no, not always. While high […]

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