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Freedom from Glasses with the New Synergy Intraocular Lens

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The Advanced TECNIS Synergy Intraocular Lens

Advancements in eye care technology allow patients to achieve clear vision through life-changing procedures. TECNIS Synergy intraocular lenses (IOLs) are the most advanced lenses available to treat the effects of cataracts and presbyopia in one laser-assisted surgery.

Center For Sight was the first practice in the United States to implant the Synergy lens and continues to be at the forefront in terms of experience, knowledge, and superior outcomes with this lens. 

Treating Cataracts & Presbyopia

Many people who have cataracts may also be dealing with presbyopia, or the inability to read or see up close without glasses as we get older. Both ocular conditions are age-related and can be treated with laser-assisted lens replacement or cataract surgery.  The TECNIS Synergy IOL offers the most easy and effective way of doing so with only one procedure. 

A more detailed breakdown of the conditions:

Cataracts occur when the eye’s natural lens becomes cloudy due to the breakdown of proteins in the eye, causing a build-up in the lens. Vision becomes blurred, and bright colors begin to appear faded or yellow. Cataracts can be treated through lens replacement surgery.

Presbyopia is an age-related condition that occurs when your eye’s natural lens becomes more rigid and doesn’t change shape as easily, making it more difficult to see close-up objects clearly. This can also be treated with lens replacement surgery.

The TECNIS Synergy IOLs have proven to be the most advanced lenses that can be used in lens replacement surgery when the patient also desires spectacle or glasses independence. These IOLs have been shown to provide patients with: 

  • Superior low-contrast vision from day to night
  • Clear distance and near vision
  • Treatment of blurred vision due to cataracts

How Do These IOLs Work?

The natural lens of your eye is responsible for focusing light onto the retina. A healthy, young lens is flexible, allowing it to change shape depending on if you’re viewing something near or far. 

TECNIS Synergy IOLs are an artificial replacement for natural lenses that have become clouded and less elastic. 

These IOLs are multifocal, meaning that they focus light from objects at multiple distances. With the Synergy lens, patients are much less likely to depend on glasses to see at different distances.

Beneficial Outcomes of The Synergy Lens

Dr. De Rojas has extensive experience with the Synergy lens and is currently the principal investigator of a large study to further evaluate the performance of the lens in the first 100 patients at Center For Sight who were implanted with it.  

His results were presented at the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (ASCRS) international conference this year and will soon be published in international, peer-reviewed, scientific journals.

The three studies are as follows:

Study #1: Measuring Reading Speed & Low Contrast Visual Acuity After Implantation of a New Continuous Range of Vision Presbyopia-Correcting IOL

The results found that the Synergy lens provided:

  • Excellent photopic (good lighting conditions) reading speed, even with small print sizes
  • Excellent vision in high contrast conditions
  • Great visual acuity under low contrast conditions
  • Great functional reading ability under mesopic (dim light) conditions

Study #2: Visual Outcomes of New Continuous Range of Vision Presbyopia-Correcting Intraocular Lens 

The results of this study showed that the Synergy lens provided:

  • A wide range of 20/20 or better functional binocular vision from far distance to 33 cm (ultra close range)
  • Performance of IOL is at least equal if not better to what was previously reported in the FDA trial.

Study #3: Patient Satisfaction After Implantation of a New Continuous Range of Vision Presbyopia-Correcting IOL

The results from this study showed:

  • A high degree of spectacle independence at all distance with the Synergy Lens
    • 100% of patients do not ever need spectacles (i.e. “glasses”) for intermediate
    • 95% of patients do not ever need spectacles for near
    • 95% of patients do not ever need spectacles for distance
  • There was a high level of satisfaction with overall vision without glasses among all patients studied
  • Halos were the most common visual disturbance reported (often around light at nights), but patients tolerated them very well and they were not debilitating

See Life Through a Clear Lens

Center For Sight offers life-changing surgeries to restore or enhance your vision, including lens replacement and cataract surgery with the TECNIS Synergy lens.  

Please schedule a consultation with one of our nationally renowned super specialists and surgeons to discover if this treatment is right for you.

Joaquin De Rojas, M.D.

Cataract & Lens Replacement, LASIK, and Corneal Surgeon

Director of Cornea and Ocular Surface Disease

Dr. De Rojas is a board-certified, fellowship-trained cataract, refractive and corneal surgeon who also serves as the Director of Cornea and Ocular Surface Disease at Center For Sight. Dr. De Rojas specializes in premium cataract and lens replacement surgery, as well as laser vision correction with LASIK, Epi-LASEK and implantable lenses. 

He is an expert in the diagnosis and management of severe dry eye and ocular surface disease, Fuchs’ Dystrophy and Keratoconus. He employs the most advanced treatments available for his patients including Corneal Cross-Linking and corneal transplantation with Descemet Membrane Endothelial Keratoplasty (DMEK). 

Furthermore, Dr. De Rojas performs minimally invasive glaucoma surgery (MIGS) and often attends to patients with issues from prior laser, cataract or corneal surgeries.

Written by Center for Sight

Center For Sight is one of the nation’s leading multi-disciplinary physician groups. We provide ophthalmology, optometry, dermatology, audiology, and aesthetic services. With several locations throughout Southwest Florida, we proudly offer our patients convenient access to nationally-renowned surgeons, compassionate staff members, and cutting-edge technology.

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