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What Is The EVO ICL?

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EVO Implantable contact lens (ICL) held out with a pair of tweezers in a green background.

Because everyone’s eyes are different, LASIK surgery isn’t always the best option for vision correction and cornea care. Patients may not be candidates for LASIK in some cases, or they may have a degree of nearsightedness that can’t be successfully corrected with the refractive laser procedure. 

Thankfully, there are options like implantable collamer lenses. An implantable collamer lens (ICL) is a key component of eye surgery that treats nearsightedness and other vision problems, typically eliminating the need for eyeglasses or contact lenses.

The lens is placed between the iris and the natural lens of the eye. ICL procedures are non-laser corneal surgery alternatives. EVO is short for evolution in visual freedom, and it’s an implantable collamer lens.

EVO Implantable Collamer Lenses 

Implantable collamer lenses (ICL) are microscopically thin, soft lenses that are implanted in the eye to correct refractive errors like nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism.

The lenses are made of a biocompatible material called collamer. This advanced lens material can significantly improve your vision at night or in low light, in addition to improving the quality of your vision. 

The EVO ICL, unlike some other vision correction options, is an additive technology that corrects vision without removing any corneal tissue.

This technology is designed to reduce or eliminate the need for glasses or contacts, and it’s removable, unlike most permanent refractive solutions. Once the implant is in place, you’ll likely not even feel or notice it.

Advantages of an ICL

ICLs have the following benefits:

  • 20 to 30-minute procedure
  • Removable by your doctor
  • Offers UV protection
  • Not visible once in place
  • Better vision quality
  • Short recovery time
A female patient lying on a bed with their eye under an examining equipment.

Best Candidates for an EVO ICL

Your optometrist will need to perform a thorough eye exam to determine if you’re a good candidate for an EVO ICL. They’ll check the health of your cornea and measure the depth of your anterior chamber to ensure it’s deep enough.

This solution is well-suited for a wide variety of people but candidates for viable EVO ICL should meet the following criteria in order to be considered for the surgical procedure:

  • You must be between the ages of 21 and 45.
  • Are trying to find a vision correction method for mild to moderate nearsightedness (with or without astigmatism).
  • Have a consistent prescription that hasn’t changed in the past 12 months.
  • Have a vision history free of glaucoma, iritis, or diabetic eye disease and be in good ocular health.

Process of ICL Surgery

Eye surgeons perform the EVO ICL procedure. Typically, the following occurs:

  • To begin the procedure, a mild sedative and anesthetic eye drops can be used to keep you as relaxed and comfortable as possible throughout the procedure.
  • A small incision in the eye is made.
  • The EVO ICL is then placed carefully behind the iris and in front of your natural lens.
  • The procedure is completed on both eyes on the same day and takes about 20 minutes in total.
  • Following the procedure, you will begin eye drops that your ophthalmologist has prescribed to speed up healing and prevent infection.  You will also be given an eye shield to keep you from rubbing your eyes while sleeping. 
  • Follow-up appointments will be scheduled by your eye care team to monitor your quick recovery.


Another surgical procedure used to treat astigmatism, farsightedness, and nearsightedness is LASIK, which plays a crucial role in cornea care. Instead of a permanent lens implant, this procedure uses laser technology to correct specific vision problems.

At Center For Sight, the IntraLase laser is used to create a flap to help our surgeons access the cornea. With assistance from the WaveLight EX500 excimer laser with wavefront technology, our surgeons reshape your cornea to provide you with improved vision. However, you may not be a viable candidate if your corneas are irregular or thin.

Both surgeries have their benefits and should be discussed with your eye doctor. ICL may be more suitable for some patients and has a number of advantages for those who fit the criteria. Before making a final decision, you should consult with your healthcare provider about the best procedure for you.

Considering an EVO ICL?

If you want to eliminate the frustration of traditional contacts or glasses, EVO ICL may be the solution.The EVO ICL is a cutting-edge technology that can offer you an alternative to laser eye surgery or prescription eyewear. Make an appointment with Center For Sight to learn more about the specific advantages and disadvantages for you.

Written by useye

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